Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Making Money With Website

This guest post is by Roman from how this website makes money.

Two years ago I stumbled across the concept of blogging for money.  Instantly it hit me as the perfect thing: sit behind a computer, design a site, write, be my own boss, work from home, what could be better? I knew nothing about traffic, SEO, backlinks, Pagerank, or keywords.  I knew nothing about how to make money with a website.  So what did I do next?  I registered the domain name howthiswebsitemakesmoney.

Looking back all I can do is laugh at my arrogance.  Like thousands before me and thousands who will come after me, my first attempt at blogging was a site about making money online.

Two years later, I know how to start a site, I know how to write content, I know about SEO, I know about backlinks, I know how to add advertisements … but I still do not know how to make good money online.  The site makes dimes a day, not dollars.

The site has been two years of disappointment.  Two  years of waking up in the morning and seeing the same green egg in AdSense.  Two years of waiting for a four-digit affiliate check with my name on it.  Two years of working without pay.  Two years of scratching my head.

So I asked for advice, and every time the reply was the same: create a site about something else. Create a site about what you know and what you enjoy.  Do not create a site with the intent to make money, create a site with the intent to help people by doing something you enjoy doing.

What happened when I changed my intent

Six months ago I created a new site.  This time my intent was pure pleasure.

I live in Prague and I love it here.  So I made a little site about how great Prague is and what people should do when they come for a visit.  It was built in a month.  In a gust of activity I designed the site and wrote the content.

It was so easy.   I did not agonize over what to write about.  The content flowed effortlessly from my head to the keyboard.  I did not have to take long walks with the dog or waste water standing dazed in the shower coming up with new ideas.  I just sat down at the computer and wrote about what I know.  It was so easy I actually looked forward to it.

As an afterthought, I created a simple page where people can order a real postcard from Prague.  Visitors select a picture of Prague and fill out a form indicating what they want written on the postcard.  After they hit the Submit button I get the request by email.  I grab a postcard and, like an ancient scribe long before computers, lick the tip of the pen and write.  After pounding a Prague stamp on the postcard I toss it into the mailbox on my way to work. I charge $4.00 for this five minutes of work.

I created this site with no aspirations of becoming rich, no day dreams of shaking hands with Oprah, no imagined scenes of telling my employer to find some other donkey to kick around. I created the website because it was easy for me to do and I enjoyed it. I made it because I needed a break from my ‘real’ website. I expected nothing to happen.

Again, I was wrong.

My hand is ink blue from all the postcards I have written.

I wrote a postcard from a son playing a trick on his mother: “Hi, Mom!  Sorry for not calling in last few days.  But I am in Prague with friends.  Having a great time and the beer is sooo cheap.  Say hi to Dad.”

I have written postcards to countries all over the world.  Some of them in languages other then English—I have no idea what I am writing. Fortunately, the order form does not allow Chinese characters!

I get emails from people thanking me for the information they found on the site, thanking me for the postcard, asking for more information.

I feel like I am making the world a better place.  I made a website about something I know about and am interested in and people are thanking me. Emotionally it is a soft, warm, fuzzy ball.

And yes, I am making money.

Intend to enjoy and you might make money

I learned a lot about making money online not from my site about making money, but from licking postage stamps.

New arrivals to the make-money-online scene go through the same initiation—they start out with the intent to make money, then fail to make more then a pile of pennies.  For some it means the end and they quit, but for others this brutal introduction teaches them that their intent needs to change.

Of course, making money is about traffic, clicks, affiliates, backlinks SEO, but it’s also about finding something you enjoy doing.  If your intent is only to make money the odds are stacked against you: you will probably quit.  But if your intent is to do something you enjoy then you will keep moving forward until one day, you will be surprised to find that you are making money.

What’s your intent?

Roman intends to figure out how this website makes money.  He has been trying to do that for two long years, so when he needs a break and do something fun he goes onto his other website to send a real postcard to his mother who misses him very much.

The national Tea Party Nation group is planning to send a letter to Sarah Palin asking the former governor of Alaska and John McCain sidekick to run for chair of the Republican National Committee.

Tea Party Nation leader Judson Phillips says in his letter to Palin that without her at the helm of the RNC, the party will fall back into “establishment” hands.

“We need you as Chairman of the RNC. You have shown in the past no hesitation to take on the establishment. You did it in Alaska,” Phillips writes in the letter. “If we end up with establishment control of the GOP and their support for an establishment candidate in 2012, Obama and the socialists will have won…We need someone who will put conservatives in control of the party apparatus, not RINOs.”

The letter takes a shot at current RNC chair Michael Steele, who Phillips writes has “spent Republican money with the gusto of a liberal.” The letter references the numerous criticisms of Steele’s fiscal management of the RNC.

“Something is really wrong with the GOP when the RNC cannot fund a get out the vote campaign for mid-term elections,” Phillips writes.

Phillips writes that Palin has the collection of skills and national appeal to right the RNC ship in time to take on President Obama in 2012.

“You have an unbelievable ability to light up a crowd and to raise money. Both of which the Republican Party needs,” Phillips writes. “The GOP needs a conservative who can raise money and energize the troops. You are the only one out there with these unique talents.”

Palin has been seen as a natural ally of Steele’s heading into the January chair election, which Steele has not officially said he’ll be a part of yet. While many other prominent Republicans kept their distance from the gaffe-prone Steele over the past year, Palin joined Steele at several stops on his GOTV bus tour this fall and there’s been speculation that Palin might endorse Steele’s bid for a second term if he runs.

For his part, Phillips is prone to making big promises on behalf of the tea party movement other activists often distance themselves from. Phillips planned to play host to the second national tea party convention in Las Vegas before the event collapsed under open hostility from Nevada tea party and what appeared to be a lack of ticket sales.

Phillips has become a source of tea party headlines however, recently causing a national stir with his call to “retire” Muslim members of Congress.

Read the full Tea Party Nation letter, which the group says on its website will be “sent to Sarah Palin in the next few days,” here:

Dear Governor Palin,

John Kennedy once said, “ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”

Right now, your country needs you as the Chairman of the Republican National Committee.

We are in a fight for the survival of our country. The Democrats have walked off the socialist cliff and are driving the country headlong into the abyss. Unfortunately, there are many on the Republican side who do not seem to get it. They are the embodiment of the old political joke that says, with the Democrats you get more of the same and with Republicans you get less of the same.

We need you as Chairman of the RNC. You have shown in the past no hesitation to take on the establishment. You did it in Alaska. If we end up with establishment control of the GOP and their support for an establishment candidate in 2012, Obama and the socialists will have won. An establishment candidate will not work to repeal Obamacare and the other programs Obama, Pelosi and Reid have put in place. We need someone who will put conservatives in control of the party apparatus, not RINOs.

Michael Steele has spent Republican money with the gusto of a liberal. You showed in Alaska, you know how to put the brakes on unnecessary spending.

Finally, you are a superstar. You have an unbelievable ability to light up a crowd and to raise money. Both of which the Republican Party needs. Something is really wrong with the GOP when the RNC cannot fund a get out the vote campaign for mid-term elections. The GOP needs a conservative who can raise money and energize the troops. You are the only one out there with these unique talents.

We, the undersigned, are asking you to ask yourself what you can do for your country and to step up and become a candidate for Chairman of the RNC.

Thank you for your consideration and for what you continue to do for this great country.

Judson Phillips, Founder – Tea Party Nation

Note – this post was written by Evan McMorris-Santoro. for Talking Points Memo and is re-purposed here via a content sharing agreement.

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Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

bench craft company scam

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

bench craft company scam

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

bench craft company scam

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

bench craft company scam

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

bench craft company scam

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

bench craft company scam

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

bench craft company scam

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

bench craft company scam

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

bench craft company scam

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

bench craft company scam

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

bench craft company scam

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

bench craft company scam

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

bench craft company scam

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

bench craft company scam

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

bench craft company scam

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

bench craft company scam

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

bench craft company scam

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

bench craft company scam

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

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